Spring 2024 Catch Up

20042024 Oxford Folk Festival. A great day out dancing in Oxford, starting in the Four Candles (‘Spoons)  with a traditional fry up. 

23042024 St George’s Day. We were guests of our old friends Hook Morris at their annual St George’s day extravaganza held in the historic town of Odiham. Well supported by a great host of other local sides!

01052024 May Day Morning. A renaissance of our dawn dancing. Up for 5.32am sunrise over Wyndham’s Pond and Yateley Common. A good, if a bit boggly, turnout  and some lively dancing. Misty and atmospheric morning. ‘Hal an Tow’ was sung.Up for 5.32am sunrise over Wyndham’s pond and Yateley Common.

Opened the dancing with Ilimgton and closed with the expected Bonny Green Garters (Bampton tradition.)

Quite a few audience came out to watch us. A Father and daughter from Fleet( Father joined us for Bonny Green), some of Yateley Morris old boys, a wonderful lady who joins us most years who walks a mile or so over the common to watch us dance and sing-in the May. Not to forget Sarah who has been coming up to watch us for years, ever hopeful to see the Horse however the horse was either still in his stable or up to mischief holding up carriages over Yateley Heath.

Leaving just gone 06.00 we headed down into Yateley for a pre-ordered breakfast at the Short and Sweet Cafe. Didn’t the staff there do us really proud. They opened up early and all was correctly served,hot and on time. An excellent breakfast was had by all. We will be back next year!

That finished off our mayday outings. There was little appetite for an afternoon session ( excuse the pun) so each wandered off home maybe to garden or maybe to catch up on beauty sleep.

06052024 Yateley May Fayre. We were busking on the fringes of the Fayre. The field was pretty waterlogged and it took sometime to find spots that were not too boggy. Finished off at the busy D&P.

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