These notes describe the Yateley teaching of Bampton based on Keith Thomson’s teachings gleaned from the Barnstaple MM. The current Yateley style of Bampton is slow and graceful, the sets are wide. The only minor amendment that has been made by the current Foreman (Baz) is for everything to be done based on the LEFT.

Hand movements during forward stepping are from navel (rest position) to head height, ending with hands about 45° apart and then back to navel. During backsteps, hands are at rest position. During step and caper, hands sweep from side to chest on the first movement and flick up head height as above on second movement. Sidestep hand movements start with leading arm raising to position as above incorporating a flick of the handkerchief, the resting arm/hand at navel position. The “show” hand movement for the leading arm (as in Webley Twizzle or Banbury Bill) is a big arc from the navel upwards ending with arm outstretched to the side and no flick, the other arm/hand at rest position. The Yateley style of hand movements are performed on the first strong beat of music.

Forward and backward stepping is double step (lt hop, rt hop etc) starting always on the left foot. 4 steps forward, 2 back to place ending in a caper and hop from lt to rt foot. After foot up (FU) turn in during the caper preparing for the foot down (FD). Sidesteps are normal Morris single step (1, 2, 3, hop) starting on the lt (or “up” foot as in Webley Twizzle).

In the foot up/foot down sequence, the turn is done on the last step and caper of the foot up to face your partner before starting the foot down

In the Half Gyp there is a jump to the right half way through to line up to cross left shoulder for the second half.

In the Half Rounds (HR), the Yateley style is go easy way in and to turn left and face backwards during the last of the forward single steps in readiness to continue backing in the 2 backward steps which keeps to the 4/2 stepping rule but allows the round set to keep moving in a clockwise direction. However this rule is broken in the return to place anticlockwise by all single steps performed forward facing.

In the Hey movement the Yateley style is to try to achieve as large a “figure of eight” as is sensible with partners touching shoulders at the middle of the “eight” before returning to place.

For the Back-to-Back, this is exactly as for the BTB figures in Adderbury etc. except that it starts with the Left foot for both halves of the figure (and is only used in Bampton for one specific dance, unless No 1 is feeling cruel…….!)

KEY: FU – Foot Up, FD – Foot Down, HG – Half Gip, WG – Whole Gip, HH – Half Hey, WH – Whole Hey, R – Rounds, BTB – Back to Back, SC – Step and Caper, DF – Distinctive Figure (Chorus)


Dance Sequence Distinctive Figure Comments
The Quaker FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF The whole set faces up and sidesteps twice with a left Handkerchief ‘sweep’  only on the last hop, all turn left and repeat facing down prior to HH. Second rpt, whole set faces up both times. The sidesteps carry the set forward several feet with a big show of Handkerchief flicks.
Billy Boy FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF Corner dance with corners SC in towards the middle. During the caper the rt arm/hand “salutes” the opposite man by a “show” of the Handkerchief. The whole set performs 4 capers after middles have saluted followed by a HH – rpt. The “show” in the DF is from in front of the body, up and out with a large sweep.If dancing middle position be aware that after the “show” in the DF the first caper will be performed moving backwards to place onto the left foot.
Step and Fetch Her FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF 4 half capers across the set followed by 4 sidesteps back to place followed by a HH -rpt. In the DF pass rt shoulders with partner and on the 3rd and 4th half capers all turn rt in readiness to sidestep back to place. On the last sidestep the whole set turns lt in readiness for the WH.
Bobbing Around FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF. 2 half capers passing partner rt shoulders followed by 4 plain capers turning rt to face during capering followed by a HH – rpt. The half capers are on the left foot first.
Banbury Bill (The Rose Tree) FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R. Corner Dance 1st & 6th dancers followed by 2/5 and 3/4. 4 Sidesteps followed by a show left, show rt, 4 plain capers. Return to place on first DF, cross over on 2nd & 3rd. The track of the 1st DF is almost a circle passing clockwise in front of corner dancer and back to place for the shows. The track of the 2nd & 3rd DF is across passing rt shoulders tuning rt on the last sidestep ready for the shows. All the set perform the 4 capers facing into middle each time. Dance ends after HR. Middles dance round each other and back to place for each corner.
Shepherds Hey FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF Top couples dance do foot up and caper facing up then walk to back of set to face down while middles do the same followed by bottoms. This is repeated facing down. The track of the DF is towards partner, on the hops of the 2nd sidestep there is a 180° spin to end facing partner prior to the backsteps back to place.
Webley Twizzle FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF All Show left, all show right, 1 half caper on the spot spinning 360°, 1 half caper turning out and falling back, 2 half capers to finish the HH. -rpt. Middles spin down on the 1st half caper and then travel up the set for the HH, reverse on the 2nd time through.
Glorishers FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF “Stamp, Stamp Clap, Clap, Clap.” Stamp left foot then right foot then clap three times at eye level. Repeat right foot then left, clap, HH Smile and get audience to participate as much as possible.
Old Tom of Oxford FU, FD, DF, HG, DF, WG, DF, R, DF All sidestep up 2 capers all sidestep down 2 capers. The sidestep is done with left hand leading almost sweeping the ground followed, after capers, by a sidestep with right hand leading. The body is slightly bowed in the sidestep. A very showy graceful dance. Keep it slow and not rushed.