09052024 Wokingham Hope and Anchor, Queen’s Head

After a busy early May, it was very nice to return to our regular Tuesday dance out. Warm, balmy, sunny evening. 

We danced in the good company of Berkshire Bedlam who were lively, sprightly and entertaining all evening. Celebrations for Jameson’s birthday. 

Hospitable pubs, special thanks to Queen’s Head generously bringing out beer for the thirsty performers.

Tim was squiring well, lively and varied programme. 

Loddon brewery, Ferryman’s Gold was our pick of the beers. Sherrif’s Ride the pick of the dances, although special mention must be that we performed the dance Captain Larnos for the first time in public! 


Andy Pobjoy, Mike Clarke, Mark Russell, Steve Betts, Pete De Courcy,  Keith Colbert, David Wright, Paul Lethbridge,  Baz Crossman, Phil Goddard, Tim Lloyd, Ian Young, Ross Healey,

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